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Style Guide

This article aims to provide a comprehensive style guide for all Technical Minecraft Wiki articles to follow. There are often disputes over which style rule or formatting to use so an official style guide helps resolve these disputes and reach a consensus.

The style of this Wiki should follow Wikipedia’s Manual of Style. Wikipedia already provides a general style guide, but additional guidelines are needed for articles revolving around Minecraft. As such, only guidelines pertaining to the Technical Minecraft Wiki and its basic formatting rules are included here. If any contradiction arises, this page always has precedence over the Wikipedia style guide.

Criteria for a Article

Version Specific Content

Version specific information should be marked with the correct version range. This allows users to filter by Minecraft version. For example:

<mc-version-block range=">=1.13">
This is a 1.13+ only paragraph. 

This is a paragraph<mc-version range=">=1.13"> with some inline 1.13+ only text</mc-version>.

renders as:

This is a 1.13+ only paragraph.

This is a paragraph with some inline 1.13+ only text.

The range attribute is required and accepts a version range expression; text within the element is only enabled if the range matches the version that the user currently has selected. The operators && (and), || (or), ! (not) and () parentheses are supported.

If a version is in the format A.b (e.g. 1.12), then it is equivalent to A.b.x (e.g. 1.12.x) which matches any version between the first A.b snapshot and the last minor release of that version. If the version is in the format A.b.c (e.g. 1.12.0), then it matches only that minor version and its snapshots. If the version is in any other format (e.g. 22w11a), then it matches only that exact version. Comparison operators =, >, >=, < and <= are accepted; if no comparison operator is present then = is implied. Of course, this can be combined with ! to produce ranges like !=1.12.

Some examples:

Keeping Articles Concise

Here is an example a poor article with corrections. It uses a previous version of the Log article. Highlighted in yellow is the redundant information, and in pink the historical information. These parts should not be included in an article.

Wood (previously known as log) is a type of block first seen in Minecraft 0.0.14a. They have a skin resembling bark on the four side faces, and a crosscut face on top and bottom. Only the normal oak logs are available in chunks generated before the Beta 1.2 update and all previous versions, while pine and birch generate in newer chunks. Wood is greatly abundant in naturally-generated maps, as it is used as the foundation for trees. Wood can be chopped by hand, but using an axe is faster. Wood is also flammable.

Of the current wood types, birch is the rarest type. They are often used to make plants, trees and wooden cabins. In Survival Test, wood blocks drop 3–5 wooden planks when mined. In Indev, Infdev, Alpha, and Beta, mining a wood block drops a wood block instead. This allows the use of wood as a building material and is craftable into planks.

Wood's only crafting use is to be made into four wooden planks. In addition, wood can be burnt in a furnace to make charcoal as a substitute for coal.

As of the Minecraft Beta 1.2 update on January 13, 2011, there are now four kinds of wood.One is the normal wood (oak), another resembles the wood of silver birch trees, yet another type resembles the normal wood, but it is darker and appears in pine/conifer trees that grow in colder biomes, the fourth type is similar to the oak wood, however there are some color differences, and it is tilted to one side. Wood blocks produce 4 wooden planks when crafted. Wood from different types of trees do not stack in the inventory. Planks made from different kinds of trees used to be completely identical. Birch trees have slightly duller colored leaves than regular trees, pine trees have pine needles, and jungle leaves are leafy with fruit looking shapes on them.

The fourth type of wood was introduced in snapshot 12w03a, solely occurring in jungle biomes, and comprising trees exclusive to them. The tallest trees have this type of wood in 2x2 dimensions instead of the normal 1x1.


If there is only one of a thing in intended to be in a world then it is a proper noun and should be capitalized. For example: Underground, there are randomly generated mineshafts. A desert pyramid contains some rare loot. Blazes spawn in nether fortresses; a Nether structure. In deep ocean biomes, monuments can generate. A stronghold is home to an end portal that takes you to the End.





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